inFactory Suite

Innovate your company by adopting a flexible solution that allows
you to monitor and control your plotters directly from your smartphone


By implementing inFactory in your company, you can consult your data in a display dashboard that will allow you to have a detailed view of the entire production lines, as well as of each interconnected machine. You can also  inform in real time your technicians in case of alarms from your smartphone!


You can also  inform in real time your technicians in case of alarms from your smartphone!

Control room

Your company becomes “transparent” thanks to a system able to guarantee maximum visibility to each actor involved in the production activities.


A monitoring and control system improves processes, reduces costs and waste.


The solution inFactory directs your business toward Industry 4.0 transformation.

From tomorrow you can connect SD plotters and machines of ther manufacturers, increasing the efficiency of your productive environment by systematically monitoring and planning.

Web, Mobile, Cloud

If the web is not enough and you want to control the status of your production lines at any time or be notified of possible machine stops even before the operator can notice it, inFactory App is the perfect solution for you!

Furthermore with the App you can monitor your cutting plotter directly by scanning the QR code on the machine. This solution is also crucial to meet the needs of Service and Maintenance staff since it is an efficient instrument to solve technical problems in short times.


InFactory Suite package can be customized according to business needs through software packages activation, even after product installation. Thanks to Infactory the software suits to your company and not the other way around.

Monitor & Control

Accurate and constant monitoring of your machines.

Cloud Data Bank

Storage of data acquired by the system for future analysis

Alarm Monitoring

Quickly reacts to your own machinery alarms through immediate notifications

Service APP

Quickly reaction to alarms through immediate notifications.


Greater efficiency of your production line through custom planning tools.


+ 4.0 Saving

By choosing inFactory you will have access to the tax credit recognized for investments in technologically advanced capital goods (Annex A, Law No. 232 of 11 December 2016). In fact, thanks to the inFactory system, your cutting plotter will comply with the technical characteristics (5 mandatory and 2 optional requirements) such as to include it in the lists established by law 232 of 11 December 2016 (and subsequent revisions).

The tax credit can only be used to offset three equal annual installments starting from the year of successful interconnection.

The recognized tax credit is equal to 20% of the cost of the investment made and is recognized for investments made up to 30 June 2026 on condition that by 31 December 2025 the related order is accepted by the seller and the payment of advances equal to at least 20 percent of the acquisition cost.

Per avere ulteriori informazioni



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